


Autistic / sensory seeking toe walkers have been found to benefit from the use of Neurological foot orthoses. Benifiting from the sensory feedback of the orthosIs design, patents are less likely to toe walk.

APOS have introduced their NEURO foot orthosis for this patient group. This orthotic intervention is considerably less invasive than alternatives such as casting,Orthopaedic footwear or Ankle Foot Orthoses.

Restoring Functional Independence

APOS Ltd is an Irish owned, specialist clinical, prosthetics and orthotics provider. We are involved in gait analysis and the manufacture and fitting of specific prosthetic and orthotic devices to clients with a wide range of pathologies.

We pride ourselves on our innovative and creative design and we strive to provide the highest quality services for our patients.

Atlantic Prosthetic Orthotic Services Ltd Company Registration Number 352490